It teaches acceptance and emotional self-care, because there will always be times when you fall out of a pose , or meet a challenging pose head-on . Acts of self-care such as breath work or the physical practice of yoga (doing the poses/ asanas) are also a reflection of self-love and acceptance. Too often we look for outside affirmations to determi… Read More

This type of speech is typically given at a special event or ceremony. The content should highlight why this person, place, organization, or event was, and continues to be, important. Wherever you go, you can choose to be the light in the room.He quickly realizes his mistake after seeing his son’s reaction and tells him to never let anyone discou… Read More

This channel will teach you how to manage your own and other people's emotions. Receive weekly video updates.Visit for more information.Dozens of new and exclusive courses are free for an exclusive time. Visit for free over 25000 free quizzes and over 65000 practice exams. Coupon code 'yt' to receive 10% off… Read More

Sequential thinking is processing information in orderly prescribed manner. It involves a step-by-step progression where the first step needs to be completed before then second step occurs. Concrete thinking refers to the process of comprehending and applying factual knowledge. It involves only those things which are visible and obvious allowing an… Read More

Examples from the successful adult, Vanessa, may help illustrate this point. Vanessa's mother had to work hard on her daughter's self-awareness during the early stages of identification of her learning disability. "Strength and weakness language" was prevalent in family discussions with often-tearful Vanessa as she navigated the academic challenges… Read More